
First of all, thanks for being in this team! I really have the feeling, we can create something together within the next days.

Here are my slides that I have shown today:

Here is the link to our shared Google folder: You can use it without login. But if you are logged in, we see who did what.

Here is the link to the service we used today: Please create an account for yourself and start trying.

I have moved the short descriptions of the Integromat modules to a separate page. If you have an interest in any of those, I am happy to help. If you have found something interesting, we are happy to hear about it tomorrow.

Please keep working with Integromat until tomorrow. I am curious what you have found and in which direction you would like to move.

I have a few question:

  • Do you agree with Jim Gray that: “Everything about science is changing because of the impact of information technology”?
  • Do you agree with me that Digital Art History is actually Data Science applied to Art History? If not, what would be your definition?
  • What service is missing in Integromat? What would you like to see there?
  • What data is missing in Integromat? What would you like to see there?

Further reading:

Tomorrow we have a look at how APIs work and how to connect art-historical data.

The quote of the day is just natural to the first step into microservices:

I have the dots, but don’t know yet how to connect them.
